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Engineering projects

Present in the industry for a long time, many Brazilian foundries carry induction melting equipment that is 40, 50 and even 60 years old, with outdated technologies and without adaptations to the safety standards in force in Brazil.

For these situations, Servtherm provides its customers with a retrofitting service for these equipment, bringing current electronic controls, standardized safety devices and the guarantee of more efficiency. At the Servtherm factory, this equipment undergoes a complete disassembly, with the marking of parts, cleaning and new painting. In addition, safety devices and new electronic boards are installed so that the equipment operates safely and with a lot of embedded technology, in line with current trends.

In the end, the customer receives the equipment looking like new and with the certainty of having a reliable, robust and reliable machine for the production of its castings.

For more information, consult Servtherm!